Data and AI Services Kieren Smith Data and AI Services Kieren Smith

Data Intelligence – A New Way Forward

In today's digital age, data is more abundant than ever before. Every organisation, from small local businesses to global corporations, is sitting on a treasure trove of information, yet many still operate with outdated tools. As a result, they end up mining fool's gold instead of extracting actionable insights. Enter Data Intelligence, the upgrade that doesn't just tell you what happened in the past but predicts what's coming next.

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Data and AI Services Kieren Smith Data and AI Services Kieren Smith

From Kiwi Boardrooms to AI Powerhouses: A Cheeky Guide to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Your Business

Ah, Artificial Intelligence! The buzzword that's been buzzing around Kiwi boardrooms faster than a Tui after discovering a fresh feijoa orchard! Everyone's talking about it, but when it comes to actually implementing AI in your business, suddenly, it's crickets. Grab your hard hat and sense of humour because we're about to embark on a journey to turn your business into an AI-powered powerhouse.

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